Featured Project: AquaKiDs(tm)

Click the image to view screenshots from Module 1: Ocean Life

AquaKiDs (TM) is a series of avatar-guided, highly interactive K-12 digital courses, to be used in the classroom, home school, or for afterschool programs. These programs are designed to encourage a passion for learning, stewardship, and fun through an interactive and multimodal digital learning experience. 

Reef Life and Kids to the Rescue (TM), the flagship program, is a 6-module 3rd-5th grade course introducing kids to the amazing life across the reef, ecosystems, and ecology, and providing a foundation to experience and participate in conservation and restoration.  

This experience will empower every newly deputized AquaKiD (TM) to use their imagination to ignite change and make a difference. 

Below are examples of lessons illustrating a concept from the course, to show elements of content, audio, video, and some of the curriculum that are covered in the full course, Reef Life and KiDs to the Rescue

The course is lead by a "guide", Scuba Tia, who provides a friendly and enthusiastic companion throughout the program.

Lesson 1: The Coral Reef

CMS: Adobe Captivate | GRAPHIC PRODUCTION: Adobe Photoshop | VIDEO PRODUCTION: Camtasia | AUDIO PRODUCTION: Audacity


  Introduction (~60 sec)  


  Reef Benefits (~60 sec)  


  Coral Bleaching (~60 sec)  


  Climate Change (~60 sec)  


  Vocabulary Flipcards (~60 sec)  


  New Badge Award (~60 sec)  

Project Concept Designs

Reef Life Course Outline 

Every module includes:

Scuba Tia, course guide

Module 6: Photo Storyboard

Introduction to Restoration - Storyboard visuals - Concept

Module 1: Course Map

Module outline: learning objectives (CLO, MLO), formative materials, learning activities, formative assessments, summative assessments